Marketing strategies to make a business work in modern times

Today’s blog is an interview with our CEO Luciana Ribeiro, Marketing specialist.

She brings important and crucial elements to keep a company running in modern times, using marketing and organization strategies.

Importance of social networks:

social media

Social networks play an important role for a company, and also for people, for countless reasons:

“I lived in Canada for 10 years and although I was already a Marketing professional, I kept studying.

I specialized in Digital Marketing, took numerous courses in all specialties related to digital and nowadays my business benefits from the union of this knowledge and strategy.”

There is no escaping from social media strategies.

When you notice the reach a post has, in such a short period of time. Thousands of people are reached from all over the world, in fractions of seconds. Photos, news, products, people, absolutely anything could go viral.

Your company cannot be left out of this.

Defining the social networks your company wants to be present on, how it will position itself and which editorial line to follow is vital.

In addition, you should ask yourself what are the values, and mission that define you or your company?

Organizing your tasks:

organization and marketing team

Maintaining a minimally organized life makes all the difference so it moves linearly and your company does not fall apart in the middle of the process.

Disorganization can cost not only time but also money, especially when it comes to owning a business.

Several platforms can help you in this process, which would generate a larger list, but still today, we present you the names of the ones we use the most, which are:

  • Trello
  • Hubspot
  • Grammarly
  • Studio Facebook
  • Slack
  • Canva

Each one of these platforms play an essential role in the workflow at Ace Digital Labs. Trello is for organizing daily demands, ongoing negotiations, and new content ideas;

Hubspot is where we store all of our customer/ potential customer information; Grammarly is an excellent proofreading platform that prevents us from making any mistakes and sending wrong material;

Studio Facebook is for post scheduling, if you work with social media management, that will be a great tool;

Slack is a helping hand to the app developers on our team, for communication and organization when it comes to developing an App.

And finally Canva, a platform we use to create our company presentations and weekly planners.

Credibility in a business:

credibility and marketing

The truth is that credibility is something we build over time, but it is extremely necessary for your company’s success, and marketing can help you with that.

How to gain trust? How will customers know that your company will deliver what it promises?

These questions keep hammering in our minds both as a business owner and as a customer.

Social networks are great allies. When a customer is satisfied with your product or service, they will compliment you by making reviews, giving five stars, and even making videos talking about your company.

But if the customer doesn’t like it, no stars at all, not compliments, and bad reviews are expected to come.

That’s why it’s important to always deliver the best, commit to what you propose.

Nobody is free from making mistakes, but how you deal with errors is very important, and the willingness to solve them as quickly as possible.

Using social media to show that you understand what you’re talking about is creating authority in your niche, showing your audience you can be trusted because you know about a certain subject will help build that credibility.

The power of referrals:

referral and marketing

What is the first thing you do when you receive a referral for a product or service?

You want to see it for yourself, don’t you?

It’s normal for people to want to certify the information, to know the way this product or service you’ve just heard of  is on social media, if they exhibit beautiful photos, have customer feedback, and so on.

So value your website, your social network, your youtube channel as they are your showcase.

The danger of making excuses:


The truth is we often make excuses.

According to Luciana:

“Whenever I had to decide on something I was afraid of not working out, I would say that I didn’t like it; I didn’t know; I didn’t need it or that I didn’t even want it.

An example of this was driving, it took me some time to learn because I used to think that it was very difficult, so I said I didn’t want to drive, a beautiful excuse to not do what should be done.

When I realized that I really needed it for obvious reasons I ran to the driving school, asked friends and family to help me, and quickly I paid for my first car and I was driving around.”

And she adds, “Another example was opening my company, the fear of not working out was almost as high as my willingness to make it work and have a business of my own”.

Fear is necessary and it is part of our lives, but we need to consider if it is not interfering with our dreams in the form of an excuse, so we don’t get frustrated.

Of course, this frustration is also part of the context, but maybe we need another word here to give a boost, which would be: courage.

Balance is very important to differentiate between what is an excuse and what is a fact.

Ask yourself if you have been making excuses to prevent you from reaching your goals, the answer might surprise you.

A real story about our company:

ace digital labs

Why Ace Digital Labs?

The name Ace means the most important card in the deck.

Digital is be due to the business model we created, so we are able to work completely remotely.

And Labs means a laboratory, that is, we are a digital laboratory, where the customer buys our service and we deliver a 100% personalized product, with total focus on the solution, service, quality, and commitment.

Ace Digital Labs is a company that delivers not only service but value as well.

We love what we do and are passionate about finding solutions in apps & digital marketing for the most varied problems.

The only reason we’re here today is for the union of strategies in management, marketing and courage.

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We work with mobile app development and digital marketing, contact us to talk about your projects.


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