How to position your brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn engagement has increased a lot over the last few years, with the platform regularly posting “record levels of engagement,” as shared in parent company Microsoft’s quarterly results.

With that, it’s worth considering the potential of LinkedIn interactions for your company and how you can use the social network to connect with your public, feeding them with relevant professional content.

You need to measure the price to reach the right groups for your company versus the amount of time spent to do it. But keeping in touch with your segment’s latest trends and engaging discussions inside LinkedIn has a very important role in developing your performance and online presence.

So, how to do it and what are the best ways to make the most of LinkedIn’s engagement growth for your business?

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Recently, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Director, Ting Ba, talked about how companies could make a better use of the platform.

According to her, people are looking for conversations about challenges, lessons learned and advice exchanges between each other. We are facing one big talk about work with discussions about the consequences of the pandemic and how this affects the way we do our work.

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LinkedIn Groups

Ting Ba gave some tips about how companies can use LinkedIn groups more efficiently. 

It’s important to build a safe place for thoughtful conversations and meaningful relationships in your group.

Whenever you can, you need to empower members to ask questions, exchange knowledge and create opportunities.

Always have this in mind as you group gets bigger:

  • Welcome new members: give a warm welcome to new members and ask them to post something, making sure that his first contribution receives a friendly and positive answer.
  • Acknowledge their effort – thank members for their contributions with a “live” or comment
  • Give an example – recognize most popular members, share their story and tell how they can add value to the group
  • Recognize specialists – @mention members you know that can add value to the talk and ask them to share their knowledge and insights
  • Ask for feedback – ask members which topics they think are relevant; ask them what goals they have and check regularly with them how you can improve the group
  • Keep clear guidelines – provide group rules in advance and communicate directly with any offenders before taking further action. Avoid breaking your own rules
  • Keep your group spam free – spam is the main reason why people leave groups. Report and remove spam as you come across it or as it is reported to you


What every company seeks in social media is to have a great engagement with their audience! For that, Ting Ba clarified that there are many ways to increase this engagement, but our three main tips are: consistency, adding value and promoting two-way dialogue.

  • Consistency – one of the most tried and true strategies for building a community is to keep appearing in a predictable way to its members and invest continuously on the part of the organizer. You can do this by posting daily or weekly at the same time or date and sharing on a wide range of topics.
  • Add value – no strong community is built on a brand promoting itself. Sure there is room for promotional content, but less than value-based posts. Follow the 3-2-1 template – for each promotional content, share two engagement opportunities (questions, feedback, poll, betas, content requests) and three thought leadership pieces.
  • Encourage two-way dialogue – The best reward for starting a conversation is someone responding, and this reward is great when a response turns into thoughtful dialogue between group members. When your community members feel rewarded, they’ll stick around and stay engaged – and if you start a conversation or join one, the worst thing you can do is leave someone hanging after they respond. Always do your best to keep the conversation going

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Main focus elements

Ting Ba was asked about which would be her main focus elements to start a branding process if she was starting with a company’s page.

She said that the formula for “LinkedIn Introduction” is simple: fill your page, invite followers (until it reaches 150) and start posting and interacting daily.

This is the recipe for kick-starting your page’s success and growing it organically. LinkedIn has a built-in ‘compliance accordance’ for page admins who are just starting to follow along and ensure their page is optimised. From there, you’ll want to start diving into your analytics to understand what’s working with your audience and test out different ways to engage it, whether it’s using polls, articles, live events or others.

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